How to wear colorful hijab in winter


Bright colors giving us cheerful optimistic feeling, vitality and youthful soul, happiness and loveliness! Every fashionable hijabi woman should have in her wardrobe some colorful coats and cardigans to mix and match them with the other neutral items. A coat with bright color will balance the look and make it more sophisticated and attractive.

Try to wear red coat with white chemise and a black pants, complete the look with a silver metallic boots and a mini smart box bag. Or, what about wearing an army green jacket with dark blue jeans and a pinky scarf, complete the look with a white sneakers.

Modesty is the key of elegance; the long maxi coats with your outfit with give you more warmth and chicness at the same time. Long tunic with matched cardigans in the warmth winter day will be a nice choice in the morning, casual and practical a style with easily movement. Fur coats are on trend this season too; fur gives a rich and elegant look, and they are very suitable in the cold winter days at night.

Now you are ready to go in no time; quick and easy fashion styling ideas are just for you, take some ideas about how to mix bright colors with hijab in winter. Enjoy the styling ideas.