Style statement outfit ideas

Creating a style-statement outfit which provides you with an edgy, contemporary look as well as comfortable and practical themes is an ongoing challenge. Be picky in choosing what suits your body type, personal style and makes you happy to wear and comfortable.

 Always be on the hunt for pieces that’ll stand the test of time and hang around the front of your closet all season long. A wide leg pants in denim or any other fabric add a dressier element to an outfit.

 A silky top or an off-white blouse with feminine details and soft fabric teams perfectly with a wide leg denim pants or a matching Colette pants for a sophisticated look.

To accessorize, opt for a pair of tan high heel wedges and a bag of the same hue. Whether you’d opt for white pants in denim or white wide cropped trousers, you’re in for versatile outfit ideas. Dress these down teaming them with sneakers and casual footwear.

Also, dress them up for special occasions, rocking white wide leg trousers with feminine detailed tops and blouses. Update your summer collection and test drive light weight breezy kimono which you’ll never regret.

A floral kimono of prominent pattern is a fashion forward piece to layer over an all-white outfit. A one throw-on piece is the chic jumpsuit. Opt for long sleeves boiler suit or sleeveless styles and try on different waistbands what’ll best suit your body type until you nail the most flattering cut.

Solid colored blazers or of print is a prominent trend for smart summer looks. A neutral and buttoned down shirt and cropped all-white outfit is a polished look for an executive air.

A midi skirt in a print of floral, boho-chic, animal print or any theme is a wow factor of more than an outfit. It is perfect to be teamed with a solid colored tee, a cropped jacket, and white trainers. Or, a blazer heels for a special occasion or formal wear. A simple satin midi skirt in solid colors is a fancy piece worth stocking up. Browse on for more stylish summery looks to stand out in full glamour.

About the author;

This article was written by guest author Reham selim.