Stylish ways to Style your Hijab for college

For a Muslim girl or woman; hijab is a significant part of life and something that they should feel comfortable in wearing. Matching your scarf to your outfit and playing around with fabrics and colours. They are pretty obvious ideas for how to present your own unique style.  However; many may not know of other ways to add your own twist to styling your hijab.  So here are some ideas for how to style your hijab for college and university life.

Side Pin

Starting simple and in the familiar, you can get a classy. But casual look by folding your scarf over your head and pinning it to the side. 

Fashion blogger Basheera Tahan, Essay Writing Services, says “It’s very simple to do and gives you a bit of a fresh look with some volume when you’re done.”


If you want move volume then a layered look is definitely worth looking into. Another simple to do look with a light scarf. You simply need to give the illusion of layers without actually piling on the scarves.  Make sure you have a scarf with enough fabric before you start. And pile it up till you’re happy with the style.


This is perfect to show off those nice earrings you just got or as a way to keep your neck cooler during the hot summer.  Simply tie your scarf marginally behind your ear cartilage to create a basic. But at the same time classy turban style that will make your earrings pop.


This one requires a bit more work, using either multiple scarves twisted together. Or a weaved headscarf you want to wrap it firmly around your head and pin it in place.   This gives a twisted style with a trendy vibe.

Inner Cap and Scarf

Perfect for bad hair days or being worried about your hair coming loose from the wrap. An inner cap gives a classy look that keeps you comfortable for your whole day.  If you pair a contrasting cap to your scarf you can create bold and clean looks. That of course will add some variety to your look.

Chest Covering

If you need a chest covering scarf, look for something with a lot of fabric. Keep the top tight to your head while letting the fabric drape across your chest and shoulders.  This also gives a pretty laid back and airy look to your hijab while keeping you modest.

Turkish Style

For something very different try looking a Turkish style hijabs, you need a cap to use in order to wrap the scarf into it.  No pins required.  It has a more defined look and if you get a good thick silk scarf can add some shape that will suit any type of face.

Eastern Wrap

Simple and modest the Eastern hijab style gives you a more traditional look requiring a cap, scarf and pins.  This ensures your head is fully covered with no way of your hair escaping and requires no layers or volume.

Loose and Airy

If you want to go the opposite way and don’t mind some of your hair showings try a loosely tied look that gives you a casual yet stylish vibe.


Look to accessorise your look to how suits you.  Add a lovely brooch to give you some bling or jazz up your look with headbands and tiaras.

The important thing is to find what you feel comfortable in and feel free to experiment with your look.  You are allowed to find your own preferences while still staying safe and modest.

Experiment with fabrics and colours to fit your personality.

About the author;

This article was written by guest author Madeline Miller.